In this post, we discuss the blog bundle feature
If you’re looking for the AI to create a large bundle of blog posts for you in a short space of time, Blog Bundles is definitely the tool for you.
How does it work?
Once you enter your topic and tone and purchase the bundle, the AI will automatically start creating your blog posts in the background. Depending on the quantity of blog posts you purchased, it could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 minutes to create them all.
Once the AI has written all your blog posts, you will receive an email. Clicking on the link in the email will take you to the Bundle page containing all your blog posts.
You may then view each blog post, or export them.
You can export all blog posts, a section of blog posts, or individual blog posts at will.
What are some good examples of topics?
Try be specific about what the topic of your choice, yet still allowing the topic to be semi-broad. When the AI generates new blog post titles for your topic, it will try create them in a variety of styles. If you’re too specific most of your blog posts run the risk of sounding the same or covering the same sub-topics.
Good topics (broad):
- Content marketing for businesses
- Content marketing
- Gardening tips
- Travelling to Italy
- Places to eat at in Italy
- Coding tips
- Advanced coding
- Property rental advice
- Home improvement
- WordPress plugins
Bad topics (too specific):
- Top 5 plugins for WordPress
- Why content marketing is good for small businesses
- 10 towns to visit in Italy
- What tools you need for home improvement
What styles of blog posts are created?
When creating a blog post the AI will randomly pick one of these styles:
- Standard
- Story
- How-to
- Personal story
- News Story
- Interview
- Cheat sheet
- Comparison
- Inspirational story
- Beginners guide
If you feel we should add more styles, please get in touch with us using the live chat button.
How long does it take?
To process your entire bundle the AI could take up to 30 minutes. To view the progress of your bundle, please visit the Bundle History page.
How can I get it to write blog posts in the tone/style of my brand?
Please get in touch with us (using the live chat tool) in order for us to discuss the various options around using your unique brand tone and style with ContentBot.
Sample blog posts
View the demo here.