Fact: AI content generation is here to stay. There seems to be a little unease amongst certain copywriters and content marketers regarding this. In fact, a recent poll conducted in a LinkedIn group revealed that 27% of respondents would not even contemplate using an AI content generator. So why go AI? What follows are 17 opinions on the future role of AI content generators from those who have used and been involved with them.
01. Neil Patel
“AI copywriting tools can support your marketing efforts, sure, but they’re not a complete substitute for human content creation. Just think of them as another highly useful tool in your toolbox.”

Neil Patel is a New York Times Bestselling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.
02. Kristin Lamb
“If you think AI can replace your copywriter then you’re partnering with copywriters in the wrong way. AI can be a solid tool for assisting in research and copy creation, but for your copy to convert you need a strategist. A great copywriter is a strategist first, a writer second.”

Kristin Lamb is a freelance conversion copywriter and content marketing strategist who is the founder of Electric Ink Creative and a partner to Fortune 500 brands.
03. Lauren Lang
“AI content won’t replace actual human writers… but I, for one, welcome our robot brainstorming assistants. I think they can be used to supplement writing – getting writers out of sticky spots and proposing new ways to phrase things when the blank screen is looming large. As other experts have explained, they can be helpful for idea generation.”

Lauren Lang works with growing SaaS teams to create strong content marketing through custom content audits, one-on-one consulting, and group training workshops.
04. Pauline Quisao
“AI ContentBot is the first AI Content Plugin in WordPress using OpenAI’s GPT-3 autoregressive language model. It creates amazing human-like content snippets for your product or blog with the click of a button.”

Pauline Quisao has a background in social media marketing, video editing, content writing and overall marketing strategy. At NoCodeJournal she is responsible for growth hacking and social media but also heavily involved in content curation, partnership & alliances.
05. Samuel J. Woods
“I could see a content writer or small business owner using an AI content tool to quickly gather thoughts. Almost like a search engine specifically put together for writers.”

Samuel J. Woods is a conversion copywriter, funnel optimizer and growth ecosystem designer.
06. Mark Polly
“Of course, the idea of generating content automatically implies some serious savings in time and resources if it can be achieved. As we look at where the industry is currently, there are more encouraging signs for AI Content Generation than discouraging signs. More content-generating applications are popping up every day, and the types of content being generated are becoming very interesting.”

Mark Polly is Perficient‘s Chief Strategist for Customer Experience Platforms. He specializes in web content management, portal, search, CRM, marketing automation, customer service, collaboration, social networks, and more.
07. Lacy Boggs
“It could be a good tool for generating ideas, busting through writer’s block, or coming up with a different angle for something you’ve written about in the past.”

Lacy Boggs is the founder of the Content Direction Agency, which helps small business owners create sales-focused content to grow their brands and their bottom lines.
08. Martin Schoel
“I didn’t expect to find anything as useful as this when I was looking for an AI integration that uses OpenAI. In fact, ContentBot is an incredible tool.”

Martin Schoel is owner and consultant at Schoel Consulting and owner of Choose Help.
09. Amrita Pathak
“Grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, and other technicalities of a copy are game-changers. You’ve got to get it right; there’s no other way. Although it’s not possible to replicate human emotions (not at least now), other things can be corrected. So, let your writers innovate and show their creativity while leaving the rest of the technicalities to a powerful AI tool because you know “to err is human”.”

Amrita Pathak is a freelance copywriter, content writer and author at Geekflare.
10. Khris Steven
“Before now, the human brain (and fingers) has solely been behind high-quality content. And nothing can beat that! But there exist limitations with relying on humans for content production at scales. Such as time, speed, and cost. With tech advancements made over the years, AI writing tools now look more promising than ever.”

Khris Steven is a full-time blogger who runs a few niche sites and owns a marketing-based blog called khrisdigital.com.
11. Alex Cattoni
“Rather than seeing this inevitable advancement in technology as a THREAT or a defeatist excuse to not get started, instead think strategically about how AI can SUPPORT your copywriting journey. The way I see it, AI will continue to play a bigger role in certain aspects of copywriting, like mass template creation and fast real-time content generation.”

Alex Cattoni is a copywriter and founder of The Copy Posse.
12. Nick Duncan
“The likelihood of AI taking over a content marketers’ job isn’t likely any time soon. But, as the AI revolution is only going to get larger and more powerful, the content marketer’s role could grow to become something different and more streamlined. Content generated by an AI model will almost always require human touch or judgment (as well as fact checking).”

Nick Duncan is the founder and developer of ContentBot.ai
13. Anfernee Chansamooth
“I’ve been blown away by how powerful these tools have been for my own business and helping clients with their content marketing. So I’m 100% confident that these writing tools will save you time and free you up to focus on other essential activities for your business (like making sales and serving customers).”

Anfernee Chansamooth is director at Simple Creative Marketing, which helps growing businesses to prioritize their marketing spend, generate more leads, and build confidence in what they are doing.
14. Jenny Lucas
“Unfortunately, I hadn’t calculated the amount of time it took to write my articles, but I know they took hours rather than minutes. The AI content writer, on the other hand, was almost instant. Each of these articles was banged out in less than 15 minutes.”

Jenny Lucas is a copywriter who helps businesses to create communications that count while fixing ineffective copy.
15. Shamoon Siddiqui
“The best artificial intelligence in the world probably can’t think like a content marketer, but it can help. It’s up to you, the human, to figure out a content marketing strategy. While AI can help you, the copywriter, it’s still up to you to make great content.”

Shamoon Siddiqui is an entrepreneur who builds products and communities with code. He is the editor of “Shallow Thoughts about Deep Learning” and “Things Developers Care About”.
16. Jack Apollo George
“Marketing has often been presented as one of the most automation-proof careers, since it straddles creativity and human empathy. With this in mind, a widely held view in the profession seems to be that, regardless of how much the daily work of a marketer changes, AI should present more of an opportunity than a threat over the coming years.”

Jack Apollo George is a writer and semiotician who edits the digital magazine Footprint and co-runs a branding and design agency called The Sourdough.
17. Warren Potter (Yours Truly)
“While the future of content creation might remain unclear, I believe that it lies solely within the human mind. The creativity, emotions and passion that we, as humans, display is unique, and is likely to remain so. It may be worth checking the futures of content generation and writing topic ideas with products like ContentBot though.”

Warren Potter is a copywriter and senior content strategist at CodeCabin.
As you have no doubt observed, the common consensus among the 17 opinions on the future role of AI content generators quoted above is that AI content generators are not likely to replace copywriters as primary content providers. They do have invaluable secondary roles to play though, if given the opportunities to do so. Human creativity, emotion and endeavour will never be totally replaced so any fear of this is irrational. Believe in yourself and your abilities, but don’t be averse to embracing AI technology and its ability to make your life simpler and more productive.
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