The benefits of using AI to write for you - ContentBot Blog

The benefits of using AI to write for you

AI has long been discussed, and now it is becoming a reality. In the world of writing, artificial intelligence is helping writers who are short on time. Ideas that were once thought to only be possible with humans are now being created exclusively by robots. The benefits of using artificial intelligence to write for you are many, and the most important one is time.  Furthermore, since the content is written by AI, it is not subject to opinions or arguments that may go into depth.

What is an AI Writer?

An AI writer is a software program that takes in data in text form and outputs text in written style. It is an AI tool that enables people to use naturally-written text for their blog, website, articles, and research purposes. It can lift the heavy burden of weary content marketers or overwhelmed founders by doing a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to the creative side of content marketing. Not only that, but it will also help with the “blank page” issue that most people struggle with when they decide to start generating content for their product or blog.

AI writers can help with the following:

Blog Topic Ideas

AI writers are incredibly skilled at coming up with new ideas for an inputted topic. Have a look at the following topic ideas generated.

The AI is able to come up with similar and relevant topics based on your input. It is able to do this because it has such a large dataset (around 10% of the whole internet from early 2020). This helps it to understand what your input is, and then cleverly put words and sentences together to match your input and thereby providing you with a range of ideas.

An example of an AI Writer creating blog topic ideas.

Blog Intro Paragraphs

Another amazing feature of most AI writers is that they can create paragraphs for you straight off the bat. Again, due to its large data set, the AI has a great understanding of most topics. It is easily able to write unique and original content based on your input. 

Getting the AI to write your intro paragraph for your next blog post is such an amazing way to start writing an article. You are clear of the “blank page” issue and already have a clear direction for the article in front of you.

An example of a blog intro paragraph created by an AI Writer

Blog Outlines

When creating a solid blog post, it’s important to have a clear sense of direction and structure. An AI writer can easily create a variety of blog outlines for you to help shape your content. Not only does this save an immense amount of time with research, but also allows you to easily flow into your writing and get the job done quicker and easier.

Blog outline example.

Generating answers for questions

One of the easiest ways to get amazing AI content written for you is by using an AI writer to generate answers that are in line with the current subsection of your article. For example, if you were writing about “The benefits of content marketing for startups” and one of the subheadings is “Why is content marketing for startups so important?”, you could run that question through the AI and the AI will generate up to 150 words of super high-quality content that you can quickly tweak. This speeds up the writing process immensely.

An example of an answered question on ContentBot.

Full Article AI Writing Assistant

Lately, AI writers have been creating full article writing assistants that include all of the above and more into a streamlined process. In fact, I’ve used one such AI writer to do that for this article. These long-form writing assistants really speed up the process of your writing by giving you the creative benefits of AI at your fingertips, as you write your article in real-time.

I used an AI writer to help me write this article quicker.

In summary, AI is now a reality, and it is changing the way we approach content. The benefits of using AI are many, including time. AI is not subject to opinions or arguments and will help with the creative side of content marketing. As a result, it will 10x your content output the moment you start using it, so go ahead and give it a try!

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